Best books for CR

<p>Ok so I need some help with CR section of the test. Anybody out there have some suggestions on books good for Cr?</p>

<p>Rocket Review
Maximum SAT
For some, Barrons 2400
For some, Grammatix</p>

<p>Have trouble with vocab, or not?</p>

<p>For Vocabulary - Direct Hits
For CR - Maximum SAT</p>

<p>At risk of offending many, I didn’t find rocket review very helpful with cr. I really liked barrons 2400.</p>

<p>I heard bad things about barron and that rocket review is only going to help on writing</p>

<p>I think people are too quick to criticize CR sections of books because they expect the books to be some sort of magical panacea for their CR woes (arguably the least straightforward/coachable section). RR tips are great, but they’ll do you no good without practice.</p>

<p>Screw the strategy books, just get the BB and practice tests. FYI, I found the Barron’s 2400 strategy most helpful.</p>

<p>Is RR good for CR passage strategies? I’m trying to get out of the 680-700 range and practice tests haven’t been that great a help. I’m 800-caliber on math and writing, so I really want to get my CR up to 750-plus.</p>