Best calculator for Cal Poly engineering?

I’m currently a high school senior, planning on attending Cal Poly for biomedical engineering in the fall. I’m looking into getting a new calculator for the fall, mostly at the TI-84 plus or the TI-89. Anyone have a recommendation, or know which one(s) are allowed on most tests?


Were you accepted?? We’re all on pins and needles waiting for decisions!

My son is a Senior in ME. He uses a TI-84 plus.

I’m also planning to go into Cal Poly as an engineering major. I currently use a TI-Nspire CX and I plan to use it there too. Anybody have any opinions on this calculator?

No, I haven’t received my admissions decision yet. But I calculated a high mca score so I’m optimistic!

@PeanutHeadxx, as long as you know how to use it well, it’ll be fine. It’s really overkill if you didn’t already own it. For that matter, the 84 is a little overkill. Just use something you are very familiar with. For really heavy lifting youll learn matlab and labview anyway. Good luck.