Best campus visit weekends for a senior in honors college

What are the best events/weekends to come for a senior during their senior year? I will have driven through the campus once during summer of my junior year but it sounds like Bama has lots of different events for prospective students during their senior year. Thanks!

***Senior in high school interested in honors college

Don’t come during a home game football weekend.

Actually, don’t come on any weekend…unless you arrive on Sunday and tour on Monday.

sounds like Bama has lots of different events for prospective students during their senior year


I don’t know if there are “lots” of events. There is Capstone Scholar’s Day in January, but it doesn’t include a campus tour nor time to meet with faculty.

Frankly, if you want to have a personalized tour, speak with HC faculty, and speak with faculty within your major, it’s best to choose a less-popular time. Arriving on a Sunday and touring on Monday can be great!

The official events allow you to meet other students who are considering UA. I personally recommend visiting during the week and scheduling a personalized visit. One can also schedule a personalized visit the same days as official events, but it may be harder for Honors to schedule you visits with certain faculty as other students will have already scheduled visits. Visiting on a weekday (not Friday) allows you to see campus as one would experience it as a student.