Best Classes

<p>What are some classes every UM student should take?</p>

<p>“The Sixties” - it’s cross-listed in History, American Studies, and English. In History it’s 367. It’s the coolest course ever.</p>

<p>BIL150 - Intro to Biology, with Dr. Wilson. Such a great course, but I guess only if you’re a bio major.</p>

<p>PHI210 - Symbolic Logic. It will help you in every other course you take here, because it introduces you to general logic. You already know it, you just probably haven’t thought about it. And it’s a pretty easy course.</p>

<p>APY202 - Cultural Anthropology (I took it with Dr. Brittain) It’s great, because it really shows how different cultural practices which we might view as wrong or strange are not only perfectly normal but good to do in other cultures. If everyone in the world took this course, we would be much better off for it.</p>

<p>APY393 - Sex and Culture. Come on, what college student doesn’t want to take a course ALL ABOUT SEX?</p>