Best colleges for both pharmacy and applied mathematics?

I am currently a rising junior in high school and am looking towards majoring in applied mathematics and prepharmacy. Aside from my own individual research on potential colleges, I thought that it would be wise for me to make use of College Confidential, by seeing what colleges you guys will recommend. Lets assume that I have a 1400-1500 SAT Score and a 4.0 unweighted gpa. Also, lets pretend that my extracurriculars and essays are to a high enough standard that they do not have to be taken in to account. All replies are much obliged for!!

I would just major in applied math and forget about pharmacy. The former is much more versatile and gets you into industries that offer much better compensation and work-life balance.

Pharmacy would be a waste of money. The job market is terrible and continues to get worse each year for pharmacists as pharmacy schools continue to open with no end in sight. You would likely end up $200k+ in debt and not using your pharmacy degree