<p>Ill elaborate on my post since Im at work and I'm bored. I had the same concerns with finding an elite school with a great social life. I have also visited a ridiculous amount of schools so maybe I can help. In general, the Ivies are not good socially but there are some exceptions. Personally, I feel if you can get into the upper-Ivies (Harvard, Yale, Princeton) that the prestige should outweigh social considerations. You can join a finals club or eating club (Ivy, Cottage) and find some kids who value social life. Id say Yale has an average social scene by Ivies standards many kids will be satisfied by eating food and watching movies in the buttery. Most of the clubs in New Haven are also sketchy though (aside from maybe Bar) but the residential colleges will throw some decent parties and you can have a good time. Also Quinnipiac girls will hang out at Toads and are generally much more attractive than Yale girls. But out of Ivies, Id give my vote to Upenn and runner-up to Dartmouth. You can find decent social scenes at these, but I wouldnt call them party schools. Its not going to be like Girls Gone Wild. Brown would be a good fit for the more liberal and generally has decent guy:girl ratios at parties. So if being part of the Ivy League is important, there are some options.</p>
<p>If you are interested in going to a big-time party school with also top academics check out which elite schools that are in major sports conferences. This will eliminate schools like Uchicago or MIT that have lacking party scenes. (Also stay away from very heavily engineering/science orientated schools like Hopkins/Carnegie Mellon). When looking at private schools on USNews you get (Duke, Stanford, Northwestern, Rice, Notre Dame, Vanderbilt, Georgetown, Tufts, Wake). The girls at Notre Dame and Rice arent amazing, but no worse than most of the Ivies. Northwestern isnt much better. So out of the ultra-competitive schools Id say Stanford or Duke. But remember it also depends what sports you like. Going to a Duke football game is awful, but they have an amazing basketball scene. But nevertheless, I'd say Duke and Stanford have the best social scenes out of the T-10 US News.</p>
<p>But if you look at all the schools in the Top-20, Vanderbilt would win. The girls are absolutely incredible. They are down-to-earth, athletic and many look like models. The school sponsors huge festivals like Rites of Spring (2 days festival w/30 bands) and there are always huge blowout parties on the weekends. The school isnt really that southern and rumors that Greek life dominates are myths. But there definitely is a preppy element and the stereotype about kids being wealthy is true with many coming from affluent neighborhoods of NY, TX, FL, CA, GA, MD, IL, and Mass. Basically, the school has a good social scene because it breeds the kids that were smart/popular in HS. Similar, Id say is UVA. Although they will have more instate students, they have an excellent party scene. For some reason, all the cool/popular/smart kids will go to UVA, and the nerdy smart kids will go to William and Mary. Im really not sure why this is but UVA definitely has the more socially capable student body while also arguably being better academically. UNC is a little less preppy than UVA and has a top-notch social scene. Also, Georgetown also attracts a lot of cool kids and you can find some good parties. They also will have a decent number of attractive girls. My friends complain the RAs are strict but overall Id check them out. UT-Austin is another gem. And USC should definitely be on your list. Amazing football, hot girls, and California weather. They deserve an app and also U. Miami a rising star academically with a great social scene. </p>
<p>Ill quickly note some other schools Emory/WashU/and Tulane generally attract the same types of students. The girls are generally Jappy and sometimes in the more severe cases are high maintenance. They generally like tougher guys who work out and wear flashy/tighter clothes. They are generally a mixed bag in looks but you can definitely some hot girls here. Some girls will have that stuck-up look, but there are other types of kids too. Tulane is probably the most mainstream and the biggest party school of the three. </p>
<p>Other Notables:
Lehigh probably has the hottest girls out of all the schools in the Northeast. Rapidly rising in the rankings and has been ranked in Playboy for parties.
Colgate/Wake/Boston College these schools are a lot of fun, are on the preppy side. Colgate is very small though and in the middle of nowhere but it attracts very cool students. BC and Wake are both in the ACC.
Villanova/Bucknell/Loyola-Maryland -- are smaller, preppy schools that will have alot of drinking
Florida -- hot girls/rising academically
These schools are generally more moderate/conservative, so liberal schools:
New York University has a big marijuana scene and NYC has some of the best bars and clubs in the world. But since the school is less united it may suffer with school spirit.
UCLA -- one of the few liberal schools with big time sports and top party scene
Also big state schools like Michigan, Wisconsin, Penn State will have big parties due to their size. You should also consider how big of a school you are interested in.
As a safety school Id recommend U. Delaware as it attracts really cool kids. Id also apply to UCSB or other schools in warm weather as a safety. </p>
<p>Good luck choosing.</p>