Best CSU campus for Psychology major?

We are from out-of-state and not very familiar with the CSU system. Which campuses have the best undergraduate Psychology major? Could you suggest the top 5-6 so that we can narrow our research? Thanks in advance!

Best is always hard to define. For popularity, San Diego State, Cal Poly San Luis Obispo, Cal State Long Beach, Cal State Fullerton, Cal Poly Pomona and San Jose State.

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Yeah, I know. “Popularity” is a good approximation of “Best”. Thanks!

I saw one ranking has CSU Chico ranked high on Psychology, although the school in general doesn’t rank high. Is there something special at CSU Chico for Psychology?

I really cannot give any insight about their program. Chico state as a college has the small town traditional college experience not found at many of the Cal states but they are more known for their Business program.

  • In my experience, in-state students, who are accepted there and attend, LOVE Chico! They absolutely love that it caters to their needs and they make fast friendships with students and faculty.

  • All of the Cal-states have something unique and different about them.

  • Long Beach is “huge but small”. That’s how our niece described it and loves it there!

  • SDSU is always active and “fun”. Nephews love the busy feel, sports and ongoing activities.

  • My niece LOVED the sorority life at Northridge.

  • Fullerton students have loved the business and employment accessibility /internships.

  • Bakersfield students love the small-town campus feel.

  • San Jose has that “Bay Area” feel and the students are very aware of their busy image.

You have to visit the schools. Each one is very different in all aspects of student life.
Make sure it is affordable for your family. Our rents tend to be VERY high at the popular schools.


Chico has a solid honors college!

I would also check out Cal Poly Pomona for psychology. The major is not impacted and they have 2 specific tracks related to Cogntive Science and to OrganizationalPsych/Management.