Best CSU for graphic design??

<p>I applied to 4 CSU's and got accepted to two already which is CSU San Bernardino and Northridge.
I apply to CSU Long Beach, Fullerton, Northridge, and San Bernardino.
Which of the four is best for a major in graphic design??</p>

<p>I’m interested in this, but don’t know the answer.</p>

<p>Long Beach I believe has the strongest art and design department of all four schools, so if you can get into Long Beach, do CSULB.</p>

<p>Other than that I’m pretty sure CSUN and CSUF would do. For something like graphic design, alot of what matters is what your portfolio will look like upon graduating. So look at some of the student work from each school. They might have sample work on each of their websites</p>

<p>Anymore opinions?! ;]</p>