Best CSUs with nursing programs?

<p>Hi I'm currently a senior in high school, so I'm just trying to figure out what CSUs to apply to. I dont plan on applying to any private schools, and I already know what UCs I'm going to apply to. It's just that so many CSUs offer nursing programs! I also saw NCLEX rates, and when I compared it to previous years, the percentages kind of vary.
So what's your take on the best CSUs out there for me? Thanks!!</p>

<p>My stats: </p>

<p>-GPA: 4.4 weighted, 3.8 unweighted (All of my classes are honors/AP)
-Volunteering: around 150 hrs at a hospital
-670 on SATII Bio
-3 on APBio
-SAT: 1840 (I'm taking another one this Oct)</p>