Best Curriculum for Senior Year of HS?


<p>I'm a current junior, and I'm having difficulties determining which classes to take next year. I know that the top schools look for the most rigorous curriculum, but does it matter which courses one ultimately takes? Do they look for a balance of math and science? Would they look down upon two maths and no science? I decided not to do two choirs, because I felt that the most selective schools would rather see 5 academic classes and 1 elective as opposed to two. Here are my options for next year: which two would be best? (I'm already going to do AP Eng. 12, AP Econ/Gov, AP Spanish IV and choir).</p>

<p>AP Calc BC
AP Stats
AP Physics C</p>

<p>There may be an option to take AP Chem as a zero period, which I would like, but would it seem strange if I had both AP and CP chem and bio, but no physics, on my transcript? </p>

<p>I could also possibly do AP Environmental science but I would have to take it as a zero period at another high school.</p>

<p>Will I be a less competitive choice because I took choir for 4 years, and in effect, it brought down my GPA because it is not a 5 point class? My cumulative GPA is also lowered because I've had to add summer school classes to fit choir in. My top choice schools are Columbia and Stanford, and I would like to go into biology or neuroscience/psychology. </p>

<p>Thank you.</p>

<p>Taking choir for 4 years looks good. It doesn’t matter that it brought down your weighted GPA, as the unweighted GPA is generally more important. (Colleges are more concerned with the transcript overall than the number even then.)</p>

<p>You don’t need chem, bio, and physics to cover your bases with science. You do need lab sciences though.</p>

<p>Generally, it’s good to demonstrate that you’re well-rounded, so I’d advise against taking two math classes instead of a science class. I would pick one math and one science.</p>

<p>^ Agreed. Taking too many math/science classes and then blowing you’re grades because you’re overworked does NOT look good. Settle on one of each. It doesn’t make you less competitive. My top seed is Stanford, and I’m taking AP Bio next year…no physics. Choose what you feel the strongest about, what you think you could do best in. It’s redundant to take two math/sciences, and probably looks like you’re trying too hard. You don’t have to “major” in high school…just keep you’re GPA strong!</p>

<p>Take the most rigorous courses THAT YOU CAN HANDLE. they’d rather see you get all As with 2 or 3 APs versus Cs and Bs with a billion (figuratively) APs. </p>

<p>I know it might feel like you’re not going to be as competitive as other students. Especially coming onto CC. Don’t let everyone here pressure you into taking a lot of APs if you can’t handle it. </p>

<p>Next year I’ll have 4APs and 1 honors. </p>

<p>And Latin brought my W GPA down, which is what my school uses for ranks. It’s okay, I have had an A+ since freshman year. With courses like that, make sure you do your best so it won’t pull you down as much. </p>

<p>I’m a '12er just like you. We’re almost at the finish line. Good luck.</p>

<p>EDIT: collegechica- it wouldn’t hurt to take two math/sciences. I had a free period this year, so I had two AP maths. It shows initiative. As long as your grades are consistently good.</p>