Best dorm for a biology major?

Hi y’all,
I’m an incoming freshman at A&M majoring in biology. I want to apply for dorms that are close to where most of my classes will be, but I had some dorms in mind already. I was looking at Hullabaloo, Clements, and Hobby. Are any of these gonna be close to where my classes will most likely be? Also, if you have experience in any of them, how’d you like them?

All these dorms are northside and pretty close to each other. Hullabaloo Hall is in my opinion the nicest dorm since it is relatively new and has a great design (keep in mind it is more expensive). The biological sciences buildings and interdisciplinary science building are a ~5 minute walk away from all three of these dorms.

besides the dorms you listed, any dorm on southside is incredibly convenient, in my oh so humble opinion. I’m a bio major as well, and it takes me less than 5 minutes to get to class from where i live. If you’re willing to deal with the corps shennanigans that goes on around here, I think it’s the most convenient thing ever.

How far is Hullabaloo from Reed Arena?

On a bike Hullaballoo is about 10-15 minutes away from Reed Arena. Around 20-30 minutes on foot.

Thank you.