Best Dorm

<p>Just out of curiosity, which dorms are the best on campus and which are the worst? I've been hearing a lot of different things from a lot of different people.</p>

<p>Based on the dorms I’ve been in/had friends live in:</p>

-New Hall West: Opened in Fall 2009, 2 person room, carpet, bathroom attached to the room. From what I know, it’s reserved for upperclassmen. Kind of father away from the academic side of campus, but is closer to West End, Litton Reeves, Mccomas.
-Pedrew-Yates (PY): If you’re a freshman and get accepted to the RLC, this is the best choice. Suite style, shared bathrooms between 4-6 people, central location, airconditioning, carpet.
-Payne/New Res East: Essentially the same as PY, but non-RLC. Generally reserved for upperclassmen, though New Res got new flooring this past year.
-East AJ: Honors Residential College, opened Fall 2011. Can’t speak on it since I didn’t live there, but since it’s new it’s fairly nice, except that it’s exclusive to honors students.
-West AJ: New Residential College opening this coming Fall semester. Apartment style. Obviously going to be nice since it’s new, but it has a housing-theme-concept so that could impact one’s decision to live there.</p>

<p>Worst: I’ve talked to people who have lived in Barringer/Miles/Vawter/Pritchard who all claim that it is the absolute worst. (I’ve also witnessed guys get mad bc one person said their dorm sucked the most and the other guy disagreed…) Anyway, the ones that are far from food/classes, no AC, communal bathrooms, no amenities just seem to not be well liked in general, so in my opinion, there’s no actual “worst”, just some bad ones. Also the dorms in the upper quad which are mostly cadet dorms tend to have a bad reputation as well.</p>