Best Dorm?

Hi, I just recently got accepted to A&M am looking for the best dorms to stay in.

Little bit about what I want: I would like to stay in a very friendly dorm that allows me to meet lots of people and have a great college experience. On the other hand I don’t want to be in a party dorm that is focused on drinking and drugs. I care about getting the best education possible, but still want to have a fun safe college experience.
My major will most likely be biology since I want to transfer to nursing school if that helps with Northside or Southside choices. I am open to any kind of dorms on campus.

What would you suggest fits my personality and major best?

Thank you, all help is greatly appreciated.

Hullabaloo is the nicest dorm, although also the most expensive I think.

Hullaballoo is the nicest but it’s the most expensive. You could choose any one of the modular dorms. They’re pretty spacious. I wouldn’t worry about the “partying” and all of that. It’s on campus and everyone is suppose to keep quiet at certain hours.

Hullaballoo is a little too pricey for me. I was recently talking to someone who graduated from A&M and she said that staying in modular dorms didn’t allow you to meet as many people and be active. Is that true?