Best dorms?

<p>What are the best dorms at UA? Does anyone know anything about the new honors college dorm (Arbol de la Vida) or applied for that dorm? I heard it will hold 700+ new honor students? If I can’t get into that dorm what are some of the best dorms ? (I know the other Honors dorm is Yuma but I don’t think I would like that dorm because it is so old and I heard the rooms are pretty small.)
Thanks for any help!</p>

<p>my top choice was likins hall (the one opening in fall 2011) because it’s brand new and in a perfect location, central to everything pretty much. but i also liked la cienega and la paz. </p>

<p>DM=desert mountain?</p>

<p>Yeah! you too?</p>

<p>Arbol seems to be a great dorm. However, it’s location is horrible. It probably can be classified as off campus, since it is literally in the south west corner of campus, and far away from most classes.</p>

<p>Could a UA student give an overview of the different dorms? (That would be wonderful!)</p>

<p>Also, when do the dorms fill up?</p>

<p>Biking everywhere, I don’t think anything is that far away as long as its in the bounds of Euclid / 6th / Campbell / Speedway . You guys must have money to burn living in the new dorms (Arbor and Likins). It comes out to over $800 a month, which is ridiculous considering right now I live alone and pay $500 a month with $75 for utilities…and I get 2x the space of a double dorm room. Oh…and I don’t have to move all my crap out at the end of Spring. I also notice this univ has a fetish for jacking the rates up $500-$1000 every year for no good reason. Personally if I could do it again I’d have never lived in a dorm. You spend a lot of money for no space and a bunch of noisy freshman running around or RAs that need something to do besides activity planning.</p>

<p>Last year or maybe 2 years ago the ResLife site had a sign up that said how full the dorms were. I don’t remember when they were full, but I remember thinking it went a lot slower than I expected. Apply early though to not get screwed over.</p>

<p>The halls are expensive, but I think that most RAs do their jobs, and there tends to be minimal conflict in them. Here’s my quick run-down from what I’ve seen of the halls, though it’s definitely far from complete. I’ll include them all but only make comments on the ones I’ve been in.</p>

<p>Apache Santa Cruz: My friends say it’s pretty close-knit, though the hall is apparently pretty old and not very attractive.</p>

<p>Arbol de La Vida: Will probably be like the other newer dorms, which I find pretty antisocial but beautiful.</p>

<p>AZ-SO: Very much a party dorm. It’s featured in Police Beat a lot.</p>

<p>Babcock: North of Speedway, so not too great for getting to classes. Apparently it’s pretty dirty and feels isolating, but you do get the perks of no community bathrooms.</p>

<p>Cochise: Mostly ROTC guys.</p>

<p>Coconino: Lots of fine arts kids and apparently a lot of Greek rushees. I hear it’s usually a great community.</p>

<p>Colonia De La Paz: I personally love it. Decent location, beautiful building, good community, and they do lots of social events (including Diva La Paz, a drag show).</p>

<p>Coronado: Also featured in Police Beat a lot. Party dorm, very VERY large. It’ll be closed next year.</p>

<p>Gila: I’m jealous of the people who live here. Great location, great community. I personally like the rooms, though they’re a little small.</p>

<p>Graham-Greenlee: Don’t know much about this one.</p>

<p>Hopi: Don’t know much about this one.</p>

<p>Kaibab-Huachuca: I’ve toured it since I was involved with creating the new LGBTQA wing that will be in here. Also has the Native American wing, so they do a lot of great social justice projects. Old, unattractive building with a fantastic community.</p>

<p>Likins: Can’t really predict how this one will be.</p>

<p>Manzanita-Mohave: Fine Arts building, primarily. Great for anyone in theatre, music, or art. Apparently the community is fantastic and very close-knit.</p>

<p>Maricopa: That’s where I live now. The building smells weird, but the girls are mostly great. (It’s all-girls.) Plenty of catty fighting and vandalism, but if you stay out of the drama, it’s a decent place to call home.</p>

<p>Navajo-Pinal/Stadium: Surprisingly quiet during games. Only big disadvantages are that it’s location is awful, everything is cement, and most rooms have a slanted ceiling so you can’t stand on one half of your room.</p>

<p>Parker House: All-girls, but I’ve never seen anyone enter or exit that building…</p>

<p>Pima: Gorgeous building. I don’t know much about the residents, but I was friends with their previous CD and am friends with some of their RAs, and I hear it’s fantastic. Contains Blue Chip, a leadership training group. They also host a lot of events in their space.</p>

<p>Posada San Pedro: Used to live here. Hated it. The building is beautiful, but the residents were incredibly antisocial. I could go weeks without seeing another person there because every door was always closed and locked. Maybe it’s changed, but I didn’t like the atmosphere. Also, the courtyard led to lots of 2am crappy guitar playing.</p>

<p>Sky View: Never met anyone in them.</p>

<p>Villa del Puente: Same building layout as Posada, but apparently the community was better.</p>

<p>Yavapai: Pretty ugly rooms (linoleum floors and wires everywhere). The community is apparently pretty average… People seem to make friends, but it’s not a super social hall.</p>

<p>Yuma: Similar to Gila, including in appearance. Seems like a good community. Every Halloween, they host a haunted dungeon that residents work on.</p>

<p>To add to Atomic Cafe (I don’t know about all of them)</p>

<p>Babcock - Lived there 2 years. Everything is old in the rooms. Largely anti-social. Shared air-vents between singles is annoying as hell b/c of noise (doubles don’t share air vents). Having a bike is pretty much essential here. I was webcamming with some people and got asked a few times “are you in prison” because the walls are all cinder block.</p>

<p>Colonia/Posada/Villa - Pretty much all the same. Very typical “dorm” layout with lots of long halls made of doors and cinder blocks. Very nice architectural work. Expensive. Lived in VDP over summer. I’m a fan of anti-social so I liked not having ta talk to anyone while I was there (1.5 months and only said 5 words to my roommate lol).</p>

<p>Graham - Limited look-see but I didn’t like it. Seems like very stereotypical 80s architecture ie everything is square and flat, sliding glass doors, etc. I don’t like anything from the 80s because they sucked at design in that decade :)</p>

<p>Parker - Yeah I’m not sure anyone lives here, cause the bike racks are empty and never see anyone go in or out.</p>

<p>Sky View - Don’t know anyone who has lived here either.</p>

<p>Yavapai - Lots of light, somewhat dingy basement area.</p>

<p>Yuma - Weird smell (almost like urine but it might have been the area I was in). Very old fittings (separate hot water faucet and separate cold water faucet 8" away…not sure how you get warm water with that).</p>

<p>Could someone please tell me more about Gila?</p>

<p>one of my good friends lives in gila. From what I know, it houses a lot of engineering students. Last year the hall council was very active, cooking for their residents every so often. The ceilings are high, the bathrooms/showers are nice and there’s a sink in the room which are great qualities. However some may say that it’s dingy since it is one of the older dorms on campus.</p>