<p>Brittany will be open for upperclassmen first semester then closed spring semester. Since many upperclassmen go to school abroad in the spring, this works out well. Freshmen will be housed in University Hall. Brittany is getting a major remodel. It will be amazing then, since it already has large rooms, huge closets, and a great location.</p>
<p>Hi guys, I’m not sure if someone already asked this, or its supposed to be common knowledge, but… How do the bathroom allocation work in suites? If you are in a single bedroom, but in a suite style setting, do you not get your own bathroom? And what’s the difference between a double room and a quad suite containing 2 double rooms? Bathroom allocations in those cases? Obviously, I’m really confused right now… Can someone clear it up for me? Thanks soooo much in advance!</p>
<p>One bathroom per unit. So if you are sharing a room with one person- double suite, then it is 2 people sharing one bathroom. If It is triple suite then again one bathroom for 3 people and if it is 2 double Quad means 1 bathroom among 4 people. And so on and so forth.</p>