Best Freshman Dorm

<p>Incoming male Freshman to TCU next fall and was wondering about the dorm situation. They all seem pretty clean and have been renovated in at least the last 15 years. The tough part of this is their doesn't seem to be a wrong way to go. Moncrief seems close to the BLUU but far away from classes. Clark seems like just the opposite: close to classes far from the BLUU. Sherley seems to be like a good combo of both but I can't tell for sure. </p>

<p>What kind of people tend to live in each dorm? What would you recommend for a freshman to have the best experience possible?</p>

<p>Also I have heard something about not getting to pick a dorm to live in but rather a random assignment. Anybody have any info on this? Thanks in advance for the help and Go Frogs.</p>

<p>The freshman dorms all seem to have a great mix of people. It used to be that Sherley was a bit more of a party dorm but that has a changed some. The campus is small so any of the dorms on the main quad are basically equal distance to the BLUU and classrooms. The new dorms out past the stadium would be furthest from classes and the library but eventually they will have a dining hall over there. Additionally, those dorms tend to create super close knit communities because the kids are a bit away from the main quad. In my years at TCU, I have never had a friend complain of a dorm. </p>

<p>And, of course, if living is going to be by random assignment (like it is at SMU and Wake Forest) then this conversation is null and void. :slight_smile: </p>

<p>My D is a rising junior at TCU and lived in Clark. It is smaller and less rowdy than the Quad dorms. They did a great job of building community within the dorm. Despite an awful roommate, it was the right place for her. She preferenced it #1 on advice from students at the help desk.</p>