Best Frosh Dorms?

<p>Which dorms are the best for freshmen? I remember my tour guide saying something about the Towers being the best. Is that true? </p>


<p>yes, you want the towers as a freshmen...the other buildings like pearson/mahoney are nicer but they are mainy upperclassmen, making it difficult to meet ppl.
for the towers, you can choose hecht or stanford. personaly, even though i dont live there, i feel hecht is the better choice.</p>

<p>These are two good threads on the dorms and I agree with redsox, the towers are the best for freshmen.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a>
<a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Hecht is most popular among freshman</p>