Best Georgetown SFS major for diplomacy

<p>Of the six majors in SFS: Culture & Politics; International Economics; International History; International Politics; International Political Economy; Regional & Comparative Studies; and Science, Technology & International Affairs, which would be the best major if the student wanted to pursue diplomacy and conflict resolution? </p>

<p>They all have to take 4 semesters of economics, and the core curriculum is pretty thorough. The description of the majors does not seem to specify which major would necessarily prepare the student for a career in the State Department. </p>

<p>For a slightly different field, in the area of Intelligence (NSA, etc.), which major might be best? </p>

<p>Or does one need to wait until they do graduate work to really get the specialized training for diplomacy or intelligence? I see that Georgetown has an affiliate relationship with Fletcher School at Tufts. Has anyone gone this route and would want to share some perspective?</p>

<p>Thanks for any help.</p>

<p>if you want to do diplomacy/conflict resolution, international politics. </p>

<p>check out the subfield concentrations in IPOL: [Concentrations</a> - IPOL Major - Georgetown University](<a href=ā€œ]Concentrationsā€> </p>

<p>for CIA-type work, perhaps look into Science, Technology, and International Affairs</p>

<p>speaking as a gtown sfs alum</p>

<p>Iā€™m interested in diplomacy and I chose International Politics. But you have a long time to choose- the question on the application only asks for a tentative guess.</p>

<p>A meeting with the dean yesterday seems to have answered many of her questions, and she is now committed, in her mind at least, to IPOL.</p>