BEST Hall or Livingston Campus Dorms?

Im gonna be a freshman at Rutgers New Brunswick this coming Fall. I have to option to go to BEST or to regular dorms.
Which place is better to be in? Busch or Livi? BEST hall or Livi Dorms?

What are you majoring in?

Perhaps Pre-Med. But Bio will be the only science class on my schedule. I will most likely have Expos, Calc and Japanese as well.

I think BEST would be a good option for you. It is for people interested in the sciences. And it may help you to form good connections for later on when you go deeper into your field.

BEST>>>>>Livingston dorms. Livingston campus has more stuff though.

So I recently got accepted to Rutgers and I was looking at the resident halls and I really liked BEST hall. If you want to live there your fall semester of freshman year, when do you apply by??

Remember nothing is guaranteed. If you’re lucky, then BEST. If not, not BEST.

@RUasian when do you apply by to get into the BEST hall?

@kishu1298 Whenever you are able to, you apply. I don’t dorm, but from watching dorming assignments become like the hunger games, i can say that no one is guaranteed where they want to dorm. EVERYONE who wants to dorm on busch wants BEST, but not everyone will get it. It’s up to your luck. Like you will see after orientation, almost every freshman will want to live in the Livingston Apartments, but only seniors get them. But I advise you to apply asap when you can.

@RUasian it’s only December if I choose to go to Rutgers around March or April do you think I still have a chance cause my parents want me to hear back from other schools and stuff and I probably will make a decision then…thanks for answering my questions even tho you don’t dorm

@kishu1298 I am not really sure. I believe for freshman, it works like first-come first-serve. After that, there is a lottery system for continuous dorming. But definitely preferance it on top! Do you know if BEST is only freshman? Becauae if there are upperclassmen there too, then it is unlikely that you will get it.

@kishu1298 I had a friend confirm that doeming for freshman is first-come first-serve. Therefore, if a lot of students already accepted and inmediately fill out housing app when it comes out, then in March or April, you will most likely not get BEST. Only if you are lucky.