Hi everyone!
Any opinions on the best residences at Northwestern? I was accepted ED so I will be a freshman in September - I’m majoring in Engineering so something on North Campus would probably be better, but I’m willing to walk. I’m not really a party person either, but definitely want to be able to make friends in my residence… any ideas?
Also, nice bathrooms and a good dining hall nearby would be great too 
You want Slivka.
Ayers is a little more social, but the facilities aren’t as nice (they had issues with mold and hot water earlier this year).
North campus is generally more party-oriented than south campus just because of the proximity to the frat quad, but Slivka definitely has the least party/fratty vibe of all north campus res colleges (Ayers is mostly econ/IE kids and CCS is literally in the frat quad).
For non res colleges Elder’s great, but you won’t get to make friends with the entire dorm in the way you would a res college. Sargent isn’t as nice as elder facilities wise, but you get a better dining hall (although it’s always crowded) and you’re right next to Tech, which helps in the winter. Bobb is very social (probably more than you’d like), and the bathrooms are pretty gross.
If you’re willing to live south, Allison and 1838 Chicago are pretty nice, but it’s a long walk to Tech in the winter.
100% agree with @1d51jklad1 - Yes to Slivka. It is the engineering res college - and I hear it’s very helpful to be able to walk down to the rec room and/or study rooms and ask or give some help! Link to a Slivka vid - http://slivka.northwestern.edu/prospective-students/viral-videos/ Bonus points if you have any athletic ability!
My son’s closest group of friends - and his now long-time girlfriend - are all Slivkans. And Ben Slivka is very cool, so that counts too 
The new dorm Lincoln is going to be the BEST on North Campus. Don’t know if freshmen can be in it, though