Best Housing? (Transfer)

<p>Any current students have an opinion on housing for upperclassmen?</p>

<p>Depends- what're you looking for?</p>

<p>well, I don't want to be potentially ostracized by something like the transfer house; something near the center of campus would be cool, with big, rooms, attractive know, the works</p>

<p>Freshman</a> housing guide ยป North by Northwestern</p>

<p>Quick off topic question: I heard on-campus housing isnt guaranteed for upperclassmen. Whats the policy on that? Can you easily get on-campus housing if you desire as an upperclassman?</p>

<p>You are correct, and yes, it's easy to get.</p>

<p>There aren't really any dorms in the center of campus. (Foster-Walker maybe an exception? ) Dorms are either in South Campus or North campus.</p>

<p>As an upperclassman, you may want to avoid being around freshman. If so, some options are Goodrich House (all upperclassmen and singles), Lindgren (all upperclassmen and singles), and Transfer House (some singles but mostly doubles). All of these dorms are located in North Campus, which is an area of older, more enchanting dorms north of Tech.</p>

<p>I had a transfer friend who lived in Bobb, which is the stereotypical party dorm on campus, with lots of reckless and emotionally-troubled freshman. He got tired of drunk freshman girls singing along to bad songs in their rooms..and other things of that nature.</p>

<p>If you choose Transfer house, I doubt people will ostracize you for it. </p>

<p>I think the most important questions are, do I have a preference as to living on either South Campus (close to downtown Evanston and WCAS academic buildings, newer-ish buildings) or on North Campus? Do I want a single or double? Am I okay being in a dorm full of freshman or do I want to be in an upperclassmen only dorm?</p>

<p>There is no Transfer House this year. It's the Green House instead.</p>

<p>blaze - I'm in WCAS, so what's a good upperclassmen dorm in the south? i'm thinking a double would be good as well. at the same time, i'd like a dorm with students willing to hang out with new people outside their already-formed social circle.</p>

<p>dfleish - can you expand, i'm a bit confused</p>

<p>They turned the old Transfer House building into some kind of Green Living facility for this year only. I mean, you could still live there, but it's not exclusively Transfer Housing anymore. I'm sure someone else on here knows more about it than I do.</p>

<p>Social dorm + south campus + not-too-cliquey = Allison.</p>

<p>Or any residential college, since the freshman obviously wont have cliques yet, and freshman get integrated into the sophomore cliques.</p>

<p>More normal ones would be Shepard, ISRC.</p>

<p>I think a lot of it depends on what kind of person you are...I think Allison has some of the nicest dorms that are freshman and sophomores. Willard seems to be the most normal of all the Res Colleges...I didn't live in one and people say they can be great but their not for everyone. If you like to go out, I would suggest Allison. I personally lived in Elder this past year and a lot of people are living in Bobb and Allison this year.</p>

<p>arbiter and afro, what do you mean by normal? I applied to live in CCS.</p>

<p>Bump...can anyone answer the above question? =)</p>

<p>CCS is... small. Very, very very small.</p>

<p>I don't think I even know what CCS is. Is that the same as CCI???</p>

<p>No. CCI- College of Commerce and Industry (or Chinese and Indians, ;) )</p>

<p>CCS- College of Community Studies</p>

<p>Anyone have an opinion of Englehart Hall? It's graduate housing. Are people generally friendly and is the location any good?</p>