<p>I've read a bunch of articles already but I just want to know your personal opinion. My favourite is SAT Connect by Watermelon Express. </p>
<p>I'm looking specifically for free vocab apps, by the way. I would prefer not to pay but if its really good I'd go for it!</p>
<p>This might sound a bit obvious… But I think collegeboard qotd app and the dictionary.com app are all I really needed to prepare well</p>
<p>Thanks for your input
The dictionary.com one? Does it have a specific SAT vocab thing?</p>
<p>It doesn’t have a specific SAT vocab section. I used to take many QOTD vocab words i didnt know and search it on dictionary.com. Then, a couple of weeks before the test, I’d go through my previous searches to revise the words. The best way to improve vocab IMO is to purchase a vocab book. I recommend Barron’s Hot Words for the SAT.</p>
<p>Oh okay. Thanks! I’ll check it out.</p>
<p>For timing, I use SAT Proctor App ([App</a> Store - SAT Proctor App](<a href=“http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sat-proctor-app/id533033702?mt=8]App”>http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/sat-proctor-app/id533033702?mt=8)) </p>
<p>For vocab, I found that Mindsnacks ([App</a> Store - SAT Vocab - MindSnacks](<a href=“SAT Vocab by MindSnacks on the App Store”>SAT Vocab by MindSnacks on the App Store)) is pretty good and, not to mention, entertaining.</p>