Best LAC's for a Career in Business

Some LACs participate in Harvard Business School’s HBX program -

List of participating colleges -

I can see that this was an option in the past. The question is whether it is an option for current students.

The opportunity to take business classes at Wharton would be of obvious interest to many current and prospective Bryn Mawr, Haverford, and Swarthmore students. So if this opportunity still existed, you would expect the LACs to be promoting it on their websites.

Yet there’s nothing there. You can easily find info about classes at Penn Arts & Sciences, but not about classes at Wharton. So I would not assume that this opportunity is currently available, unless you can get explicit confirmation from the LACs or Wharton directly.

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look at some Patriot League schools-Colgate and Holy Cross

I think Swarthmore says you can take classes at Penn–don’t know if that specifically includes or excludes Wharton. Some may imagine it includes Wharton.

@Corbett I am currently a Haverford student and I know a Haverford student who is currently taking a class at Wharton and a Swarthmore student who is taking one next semester. I agree with you that it is strange that Haverford and Swarthmore don’t promote it on their websites but I can tell you with 100% certainty that it is an option that is available for current students.

Although Haverford and Swarthmore are incredible LAC’s but I am not applying to them. I am just truing to figure out if Bowdoin and Wesleyan will help me get to where I need to get after college.

@TryHard44 wrote:

They both have career centers. I kind of like Wesleyan’s website better:

@TryHard44 my former employer, a Fortune 100 financial services firm (not Wall Street) ADORES Bowdoin. A hefty percentage of senior management attended there. It is very a very highly regarded LAC, especially in the Northeast.