<p>I want to be involved in quantitative finance or something within the finance industry possibly IB or trading. I am very strong in math (770 on Math Sat I and took Calc AB as junior and now Bc as Senior). I was wondering what the best major is to go down the path i want to go on. From what i've heard i think a math major with an applied concentration will give me many options however i think it will be very difficult. Also i have thought about a straight up Finance major, which i think will be easier than a math major is just so common. I will not be attending an ivy leave school or anything, the only two IB target schools I'm applying to are reaches: Uva and Michigan. My other schools include UMD Lehigh fordham indiana uf penn st routers purdue stony brook and binghamton, all of which i expect to get into. I will take any other suggestions for different schools to apply to as well. However i am mainly concerned with choosing the right major. thanks</p>
<p>Some schools actually have a Quantitative Finance major (sometimes called Financial Engineering, but I’m assuming that because you didn’t consider it here then that means your target schools don’t. For what it’s worth, the Quant people I know were required to double major (or major and minor, I can’t remember) in Economics and Math in addition to their actual Quantitative Finance major. A BS in economics would definitely be a good idea anyway.</p>
<p>As far as schools, I know that NYU Stern, UMich, and Chicago are strong in terms of recruiting for the quant types.</p>
<p>I don’t think i can get into chicago or stern. Maybe michigan as i am applying with it as a reach school for me</p>
<p>Oh, those aren’t the only schools that are good, they are just the ones I am vaguely familiar with. Anyway, if your schools don’t offer Quantitative Finance as a single major I really do think that having math, statistics, economics, and general finance in some way would be beneficial. Not necessarily all as majors, but having that knowledge in your mental “portfolio”.</p>
<p>yes i agree and thank you for your input. wb computer science i have seen this associated with quants a bunch online. Also what are some other schools you suggest?</p>