Best Method to Keep Classwork Organized

<p>My son is an incoming freshman, engineering major. His first semester schedule has the usual ENG classes, CH 101, MATH 125, and EN 103. What notekeeping methods have worked the best for students?..notetaking on laptop, binders with loose-leaf paper, spirial notebooks, folders…? I definitely want him to maintain organization from Day 1!! Thanks!</p>

<p>Staying organized is often a “what works for one does not always work for another” principle.</p>

<p>My oldest son, for example, prefers to take notes by hand into spiral notebooks. When he was in high school, he had two- or three-inch binders for classes. My younger son, a rising high school junior, also goes the binder route. Yet, I had some former high school students who loved their laptops for notetaking.</p>

<p>That said, some college professors will not allow a student to use his/her laptop, because they worry that the student will prefer surfing the Web to listening to a lecture. So if your son goes that route, he will need to check with each professor to see if it is permitted.</p>