<p>As the title suggests what are the best non-Ivy schools?</p>
<p>I live in Virginia so I'd say UVA is one of them. Opinions?</p>
<p>As the title suggests what are the best non-Ivy schools?</p>
<p>I live in Virginia so I'd say UVA is one of them. Opinions?</p>
<p>stanford, mit</p>
<p>UChicago, of course.</p>
<p>Duke and Stanford</p>
<p>University of Michigan, Ann Arbor</p>
<p>(beat you to it Alex)</p>
<p>carnegie mellon, rice, fordham, California institute of technology, Massechusetts institute of technology, georgetown............</p>
<p>U Chicago - great education and super international name recognition.</p>
<p>University of Notre Dame-super academics, great sports, and long-standing tradition!</p>
<p>stanford, wharton, ENGLISH ONES: Oxford, Durham........</p>
<p>If one is to look for the best of the best non-ivy, I'd say Stanford.
If you are referring to equal calibar schools with similar international prestige:</p>
<p>Stanford, Berkeley, Oxford, MIT, CalTech, Duke, Chicago.</p>
stanford, wharton
Wharton is the name of UPenn's Business School.</p>
<p>Amherst, Swarthmore, Middlebury.</p>
<p>check out usnews...</p>
<p>Not all Ivies are better than all other schools.
Stanford, MIT, Duke, Chicago, Berkley are beastly schools; the top 25 minus one or two are all very good.</p>
<p>Best for what? There are probably 20 or so really great schools in the US that are also very prestigious. People have named most of the universities, and the person who named Swarthmore, Amherst, etc is also right. Those all tend to be great in pretty much everything. Then it gets down to majors and whatnot. Best for business? UPenn-Wharton. Something tech-y? M.I.T. and etc (that's the only one I know, sorry. I'm not into those types so I've never looked into them).</p>
<p>stanford, duke, cal tech, georgetown, northwestern, uchicago, williams, amherst, swarthmore, pomona, washu...there are many.</p>
<p>Harvey Mudd, Pomona, Rice, Johns hopkins, Washington U at St. Louis,Olin, Ga Tech</p>
<p>MIT, Stanford, Cal Tech, Chicago, Berkeley, UCLA, Duke, Northwestern. Id say that the first three are at least equal to Harvard/Yale while the next 5 are equal to Columbia/Cornell.</p>
<p>Here's a list: (in order)</p>
United States Naval Academy
United States Military Academy
Cooper Union
Notre Dame
United States Air Force Academy
College of William and Mary
University of Virginia
United States Coast Guard Academy
Boston University
Franklin W. Olin
Wake Forest</p>
<p>^ Is the Naval Academy considered more prestigious than West Point?</p>