Best Nursing schools in NC?

Daughter got in UNC-CH and ECU for nursing. I know UNC has best over all reputation but ECU medical program is very attractive. Should she pick UNC? They are so competitive I worry she might not make the cut when it comes time before her junior year. Would it really matter if she plans to go to grad school?

Before I would pick a non-direct admit program, I would want to get as much recent data from the school as possible on the competitiveness for the nursing spots.

Hi @ITBgirl congrats, that’s great. First of all, I do not know anything about the nursing programs in NC. I looked up ECU in some other discussion forums & came across this -
" ECU nursing is based on a point scale"

with points given to specific pre-req classes,
such as A = 32 in the harder class such as Anatomy & Physiology I&II &
A = 24 for other pre-req class such as Nutrition
& A = 12 less points for other classes such as Writing etc.

I would ask the admin & see if they can tell you what it takes to be accepted & what the admitted students’ stats/ GPA are. How many spots / seats are available each year. Do they admit students soley based on that point scale? How many people have applied in the previous year. Are those pre-req. clases “weed out class” with hard grading scale?

Some schools place more emphasis on the pre-req. GPA so getting really good grades on all the pre-req will help.
Good Luck