<p>Any idea? Neds? or just student store?</p>
<p>First go online to both of the sites. For Neds, just type in the ISBN # and you’ll get to see if they’ll take your book and for how much. For the student store, they have a specific list of popular books and how much they’ll buy it back for. There are differences between how much $$ you’ll get back from the 2 so check before going. And sometimes you can make $$ off of books you bought off the net which is awesome!</p>
<p>It’s better to sell your books at these places before you go to the net 'cause you know that places like Amazon have competitive low prices.</p>
<p>advertise on craig’s list, CC, etc. har har.</p>
<p>half/ amazon… the price is way better than selling it on craiglist, uloop sometimes. do some research… Never to bookstore, unless u know it will soon be outdated or you really hate the subject and can’t wait to get rid of the book -_-</p>
<p>Ned’s is better than the Cal Store.</p>