Best Pok

<p>Here we go...</p>

<p>Ethnicity- White, technically Jewish, if that matters at all
GPA- 3.4 (unweighted)
QPA- 29
School- Public school in Massachusetts, #1063 Public High Schools in the country (Top 5%, Newsweek)</p>

<p>SAT 1-
Critical Reading- 800
Math- 660
Writing- 740 (12 on essay)
Retaking in October, hoping to boost math</p>

<p>SAT 2-
US History- 740
Taking French and Literature in Fall</p>

<p>AP Exams-
European History- 5
US History- 4</p>

<p>Rank- 52/240, Top 25%</p>

<p>Interested in History and English (especially Creative Writing), and I've taken all the highest level/AP Classes in those areas and always get B+ or higher (the only B+ have been in AP History, everything else has been A- or higher for those). Math and science, not so much, I have B-A in my science classes (one CP) and one C, two C+, and a B- in my highest level math classes (taking a CP next year).</p>

Varsity Tennis Captain
Karate Black Belt
Opinion Editor of school newspaper
Editor-in-Chief of school literary magazine
Best Buddies Vice President
Peer Helpers Committee Leader
Art Saves Lives (art/music/poetry show) coordinator and performer
National Honor Society
French Immersion Program K-12, I speak fluent French
Academic Honor Award, 10-12
Academic Varsity Letter (Honor Roll or Higher 9 times), 11
Academic Achievement in Creative Writing Award, 11
Varisty Tennis Honor Athlete Award, 10-12
Boston Red Sox Essay Writing Contest Winner, 10 (it was ridiculous, but I won)
University of Iowa Young Writers Studio (had to apply, etc)
Really really really involved in local Food Pantry, been volunteering since 6th grade, am on the Board of Directors, help organize fundraisers, etc
Camp Counselor Grade 10
Work at a bakery 11-12
Internship at a Film Company, 10
Editing Film as-needed, 11</p>

<p>COLLEGES (in order of increasing difficulty, I think)</p>

<p>University of Connecticut
University of Massachusetts, Amherst (hopefully the Honors Program)


<p>Wake Forest
UNC, Chapel Hill

<p>So, what do you think? Do I have a chance at any of those? Any other schools that would be good for Creative Writing/History? I really appreciate it.</p>

<p>Ah, forgot to mention that next year I'm taking AP French, AP English Literature, and AP US Government. I also expect my recommendations to be strong (one from my Creative Writing teacher/Literary Magazine guy, and one from the French Immersion teacher who has known me since I was 5).</p>

<p>everything looks good for the first two levels, and i think you have a shot at wake forest and unc, but northwestern, williams, middlebury, and columbia might be a stretch with your gpa.</p>

<p>I think that you have a great chance at most if not all of these schools. Yes, try to boost your math score, but if you decide on a major and it's not math/science then college may take your score as acceptable because it is a good score. If your other SAT IIs go as well as US, it would really help out your (kinda) low ranking. EC-wise, I think you have a good amount and I see a passion for helping others. If you are as a strong a writer as you boast, your essay should be killer and greatly increase your chances.</p>

<p>I think the first 5 schools are safeties/likely matches.</p>

<p>The second 5 schools are mostly matches, with Vanderbilt being the only possible reach. I would switch Vandy with either Wake Forest or UNC in terms of difficulty to get into.</p>

<p>Your last set of schools, well Ivy is a reach for anyone as would be the LAC "Ivy" (Williams). Wake Forest would be the most likely match of that bunch, IMO. Then UNC would be next. I think you have a solid chance at UNC. Northwestern and Middlebury would be reaches, but very possible.</p>

<p>I think you have a lot of schools on your list that you would most likely get into. You should include a few more reach schools so that you won't regret not aiming high enough.</p>

<p>Good Luck.</p>

<p>In first two sets.</p>

<p>Reject at all in third set except maybe at Wake Forest.</p>

<p>With low GPA, UNC OOS is reach.</p>

<p>I am not chancing you just for the fact that you still like Pokemon.</p>

<p>I'm a dick.</p>

<p>Ahahahaha, oh, cmon, who can deny the appeal of Snorlax? <a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>If that doesn't inspire some sort of emotion, then you, sir, are bereft of a soul.</p>

<p>isn't the pokemon spelled c-h-a-n-c-e-y, not chancy?? (sorry it's sad I'm arguing that)</p>

<p>your gpa is the only thing that will hold you back at places like williams and columbia, but I think Middlebury is a more reasonable match and it is a great school</p>

<p>first of all: worst title ever! pokemon?....5 years ago.</p>

<p>secondly: what's a QPA?</p>

<p>A lot more than 5 years ago...try 10</p>

<p>You should take the Math IIC SAT2 btw</p>

<p>columbia/williams= if you're lucky
northwestern= good shot

<p>No, best one is Rayquaza</p>

<p>First of all:</p>

<li>*** is a rayquaza</li>
<li>*** is a qpa </li>

<p>Anyways, your chances at first two brackets are excellent (i.e. prob in at all), and match at UNC and Wakeforest for third bracket. The rest are reaches, with Columbia being a high reach.</p>

My high school is #8 according to Newsweek. :P</p>

<p>Pff, Raywhatevski, the only Pok</p>

<p>LOL @ putting Vanderbilt as easier to get into than Wake Forest.</p>

<p>great ECs. decent SAT. atrocious rank</p>

<p>reject by columbia, williams, and middlebury</p>

<p>in at the rest</p>

<p>chancey is a pretty sweet pokemon, but i'd have to go with snorlax</p>

<p>My rank is atrocious? My school is pretty good, consistently sends kids to Ivies every year, and my grade in particular is really strong. I would have been much higher if I was in the class of 2007 or 2009. Besides, plenty of people at all those schools get in with grades lower than mine. I'd say I have a tiny chance at any of those, at least. </p>

<p>Maybe it's because CC is filled with crazy overachievers, but hey, there's got to be somebody to balance out the bell curve, right?</p>

<p>yes, your rank is atrocious. and no, columbia does not accept people at 25% who are not URM/athlete/development/legacy/cure cancer</p>