Best Pok

<p>firefox is in one of his pessimistic moods (or is it optimistic?)</p>

<p>Hahah nice rank</p>

<p>"The second 5 schools are mostly matches, with Vanderbilt being the only possible reach. I would switch Vandy with either Wake Forest or UNC in terms of difficulty to get into."</p>

<p>"LOL @ putting Vanderbilt as easier to get into than Wake Forest."</p>

<p>If you get into Vanderbilt and are rejected from Wake, you may just find yourself a spot in Guinness World Records.</p>

<p>That error aside, you should look for improvement as there is quite a bit to be had.</p>

<p>Other then trying to boost my GPA (as late as it is) and doing better on the math SATs, what other areas need room for improvement?</p>

<p>I'm getting mixed messages about Vanderbilt. Do I have a chance? Is briantheman just showing off because that's where he's going?</p>

<p>What about other schools? Cornell, Bowdoin, Emory?</p>


My high school is #8 according to Newsweek. :P"</p>

<p>oops sorry didn't mean to be an ass :(</p>

<p>In at all except columbia; its possible but its a reach</p>

<p>and snorlax is not the best...that honor would be designated to kadabra xP</p>

<p>Sgt. Bumpolicious Mc'Bumpelstein, reporting for duty.</p>

<p>Don't worry about firefox--he seems to always be incredibly pessimistic with these chance threads.</p>

<p>While your rank isn't high, the caliber of your high school might compensate for it.</p>

<p>Have you considered an early decision to UP (University of Pokemon)?</p>

<p>Hilarious, kid.</p>

<p>nice critical reading score. Hopefully, wherever you go, you will lose the pokeballs and be a true bar mitzvah.</p>