Best SAT Science Subject Test to Self-Study?

So I’m going into senior year without enough background in bio, chem, or physics to really take the subject tests. I’ve taken a year of each (freshman year bio, sophomore year chem, and junior year AP Physics), as well as self studying and getting a 5 on AP Environmental. I originally thought that AP Physics would prepare me for the exam, but I didn’t realize until somewhat recently that it requires physics 1 and 2. For my colleges I’d like a science subject test (as I’m looking at engineering), but I’m torn between bio and physics. I could definitely do the Bio E portion, but my bio background was a while ago and I never had a second year. In physics, I have a solid first year but no experience in topics like optics, fluid dynamics, nuclear physics, and other AP Physics 2 topics. I have a summer to self study, so what do you all recommend?

Eliminate physics off the bat - there are too many gaps to fill.

Personally, take a practice test for both bio and chem to establish a baseline. Whichever you score higher on, concentrate on that.

Some engineering schools look for Chem or Physics so it looks like Chem would be a safer bet. On the other hand if that is not the case for the schools you plan to apply I think Bio is bit easier to self study.