best schol for math-algorithms?

<p>Hi, I want to major in math and concentrate on development of algorithms and algorithmic theory. I am interested in Northwestern, but when I look at the math department they have no classes on these topics. Am I not looking in the right place, or do they really have no algorithmic math classes? Any other recommendations other than stanford, MIT, etc? Thanks!</p>

Carnegie Mellon
Cal tech</p>

<p>Just a few that jump out as being math/science oriented. Don’t know what kind of majors/classes the have though</p>

<p>Thanks! Anybody else have recommendations for algorithmic math colleges?</p>

<p>Look for a school with a CS department that is strong in CS theory as well as a good math department. The courses you are looking for are often in the CS department.</p>

<p>To take these courses in the CS department, do I have to know how to program before entering college?</p>

<p>you don’t but you do have to take a couple of programming courses, then proceed to data structure, then onto the more theory stuff. CS is not about programming but without programming how can you implement your algorithm? Now, this comes from a none CS person LOL</p>

<p>LOL thanks jvtDAD and usbalumnus! I just looked at the CS major website for Northwestern… wow! They have at least 5 courses for development of algorithms! Thanks again!</p>

<p>“Algorithms” is a bit vague. What in particular are you interested in? Many sorts of numerical algorithms are taught in mathematics (or engineering) departments, e.g. in a numerical analysis classes (or numerical linear algebra, numerical mathematics, numerical differential equations, …). Optimization algorithms (both continuous and discrete) are also taught in mathematics and engineering departments (e.g., operations research courses). Cryptoanalytic algorithms are also taught in mathematics departments.</p>

<p>For many of these courses in the mathematics and engineering departments, “algorithms” are not used explicitly in the course name, though it may show up in the course description. If you are looking at “generic” algorithms - analysis of algorithms, theory (complexity, classification, …), etc. , computer science is where you would look.</p>