Best School/Major

<p>I have been admitted to Arizona State, Michigan State and Ohio State as a business undergrad. I will be an out of state student for all of them so disregard the cost factor</p>

<p>I will be a transfer sophomore having completed my freshmen year at another 4-year uni.</p>

<p>Currently an Information Systems major but I am willing to change (seems like a good field)</p>

<p><em>What school should I go to to receive the best undergraduate business degree in IS or any other major/major combination (most valued by employers/ highest starting salary)?</em></p>

<p>I am planning on attending graduate school (when i do not know) so what majors/ schools could potentially give me the highest salary/ most successful career also</p>


<p>Arizona State is kind of a jokeā€¦
Probably Ohio State is best because of the alumni network</p>