<p>Winterset, you make excellent points. What I am concerned about is the possibility of a consistent lack of sleep with no apparent remedy. From what you and others are saying, this is not the case at St. Pauls, and I am very happy to hear it. </p>
<p>My daughter, who is presently in 7th grade, has always managed her time well, and without any interference from me. And although I prefer her to get more sleep, she probably gets about 8 on average. She also has no problem waking up even if she was up unusually late the previous evening, but I know ( she has an older sibling ) that this can change in the teenage years.</p>
<p>This past school year she spends about 1 -1/2 hours a day on homework, has EC activities ( music and sports ) four days a week that end around 4 pm, and spends most of her weekends at the barn riding and caring for her horse. She has always made homework her first priority....during the winter she will walk in the door and start her homework before taking her coat off. She also manages to have a social life, practice her instrument almost daily, bike, play tennis, read, etc. I don't know if I mentioned it earlier, but she is on the high honor roll at a competitive public jr. high school.</p>
<p>From what I have learned about St. Pauls, I believe she will be an excellent candidate for admission. We plan on visiting in a few weeks. Right now the list we are looking at has been revised since my OP, it includes St. Pauls, Groton , NMH ( my alma mater), Choate (possibly ), Concord Academy, Deerfield, St. Andrews ( Delaware ), Milton (possibly ), St. Marks, Foxcroft, Chatham Hall, Miss Porters, and Stoneleigh Burnham. These ( different as they are ) may all be big reaches, as she will also be needing FA. Exeter may also get back on the list, especially if she puts off BS until 10th grade, but right now it just looks frightening ( to me, not her! ), as does Andover.</p>