Best Schools For Merit Aid Given Profile

And the big merit scholarships at Wisconsin go only to URM or FGLI applicants. Wisconsin is not a good merit school for upper/middle class white/Asian students

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The OP is Hispanic.

Edit: the applicant is Hispanic

Thanks @Eeyore123. In that case, the odds are much better!

My daughter had very similar stats last year and also a 1530 SAT score although she was national merit commended and not a semi finalist. She received merit money from Northeastern and Fordham based on Hispanic Recognition Program Scholar. She received 18K a year from Northeastern but national merit would have bumped that up to 25K or so I believe.

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Thanks for the input. Do you mind me asking where she ended up attending school?

Deleted…poster edited reply.

Made a mistake and just tried correcting.

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She was deciding between NYU and Northeastern and picked Northeastern. She is loving it.

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If she’s interested at all in the Historically Women’s Colleges, some are a great bet for merit aid. My DD and many of her friends received a lot of merit aid (between $10K-$40K) at Smith, Mount Holyoke, Bryn Mawr and Scripps. Although, these are small schools, they have great school spirit and most have partnered with other schools and run as a consortium or at least allow for cross-registration which raises the numbers and diversity considerably. The admissions rates for these schools also hovers at around 30-35% imo because they are trying to pull these smart women from the Ivies, and since your daughter is in the 25% of stats, she’d most likely get a lot of merit aid.

I was accepted to Fordham with good merit so that is definitely one to keep in mind if your daughter likes either of their campuses. U of Alabama is known for providing excellent merit as well. From my experiences, I received good merit from Fordham, SMU, TCU, USD, ASU, DePaul, and UofA. ASU has a great business school (my family has all gotten business degrees from there) and they also have an honors college that is highly regarded.


Regarding (4), my understanding is that many of these “prestigious” schools are no-loan schools.

I am trying to understand the rationale why someone who turn down all these a-list schools (princeton, JHU, Vanderbilt, etc) unless someone really wanted a full-ride or near full-ride. Nevertheless, quite an impressive list to be accepted.

The poster mentions in his thread that their EFC was higher than what they were actually willing and able to pay. So they would need merit money or cheaper schools to fit their budget.
That’s why Princeton, JHU, etc wouldn’t be affordable.


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