<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>I was just wondering, what would be the best school for political networking. I am interested in following a political career and I'd rather focus on important networking and internships rather than pure academics. Thanks!</p>
<p>Hi all,</p>
<p>I was just wondering, what would be the best school for political networking. I am interested in following a political career and I'd rather focus on important networking and internships rather than pure academics. Thanks!</p>
<p>Georgetown, George Washington, and American.</p>
<p>Harvard, Yale and Stanford</p>
<p>Yeah, Georgetown takes the cake in this arena.</p>
<p>[List</a> of Georgetown University alumni - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Georgetown_University_alumni]List”>List of Georgetown University alumni - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>It depends on whether you are interested in regional politics or in national politics.</p>
<p>Go to Yale and get tapped for Skull & Bones ■■■■■</p>
<p>University of Florida</p>
<p>[List</a> of University of Florida people - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia](<a href=“http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_University_of_Florida_alumni]List”>List of University of Florida alumni - Wikipedia)</p>
<p>I am more interested in national politics, thanks for the responses!</p>
<p>Barack Obama - Columbia, Harvard Law
George W Bush - Yale, Harvard Business
Bill Clinton - Georgetown, Oxford (Rhodes Scholar), Yale Law
George Bush, Sr. - Yale
Ronald Reagan - Eureka College
Jimmy Carter - Georgia Southwestern College, then Navy
Gerald Ford - Michigan, then Michigan Law before transferring to Yale Law
Richard Nixon - Whittier, Duke Law
Lyndon Johnson - Southwest Texas State Teachers’ College (now Texas State University-San Marcos)
John F. Kennedy - Harvard
Dwight Eisenhower - Navy
Harry Truman - no degree
Franklin Roosevelt - Harvard, Columbia Law</p>
<p>All elite schools could be good for networking, though Harvard and Yale are probably the best. The military academies (mostly West Point and Annapolis) also have educated many influential people (John McCain among them). Often state flagships educate local politicians and Congressmen, and many times educational background is irrelevant - it depends on what you do with your degree.</p>
<p>VERY intersting information. Of the past 13 presidents, five did not have an undergraduate degree from a prestigious, elite school - that’s 38.5%. If you don’t include Michigan among the prestigious/elite, the percentage goes to 46%. Very interesting.</p>
<p>Georgetown. it’s precise location is the key.</p>
<p>Georgetown for sure. I’m not too sure about GWU or American because while they have the location, they don’t match the prestige. Other elite schools also have strong political networks; I don’t think HYP can be beat in this regard.</p>
<p>George Washington University, have the school on my own list.</p>
<p>Barack Obama - Columbia, Harvard Law
George W Bush - Yale, Harvard Business
Bill Clinton - Georgetown, Oxford (Rhodes Scholar), Yale Law
George Bush, Sr. - Yale
Ronald Reagan - Eureka College
Jimmy Carter - Georgia Southwestern College, then Navy
Gerald Ford - Michigan, then Michigan Law before transferring to Yale Law
Richard Nixon - Whittier, Duke Law
Lyndon Johnson - Southwest Texas State Teachers’ College (now Texas State University-San Marcos), Georgetown Law
John F. Kennedy - Harvard
Dwight Eisenhower - Navy
Harry Truman - no degree
Franklin Roosevelt - Harvard, Columbia Law</p>
<p>completing the list</p>
<p>I think the real answer here is the best school is a top law school, esp Harvard or Yale.</p>
<p>for undergraduate IT DOES NOT MATTER.
For graduate school, just make sure you go to Harvard, Yale, Stanford, etc.</p>
<p>Not quite. It does matter that you get your JD at a top school, so it’s important to set yourself up for that in your undergrad. Otherwise, it doesn’t matter.</p>
<p>Full of elite school connections around Obama</p>
<p>[For</a> Many Picks, Obama Turns to Academic Elites - washingtonpost.com](<a href=“http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/12/06/ST2008120602443.html]For”>http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/story/2008/12/06/ST2008120602443.html)</p>
<p><a href=“http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/21/opinion/21brooks.html?_r=1&ref=opinion[/url]”>http://www.nytimes.com/2008/11/21/opinion/21brooks.html?_r=1&ref=opinion</a></p>
<p>[Barack</a> Obama taps into the Ivy League revolution with his cabinet - Telegraph](<a href=“Barack Obama taps into the Ivy League revolution with his cabinet”>Barack Obama taps into the Ivy League revolution with his cabinet)</p>
<p>The Obama people from the NSC who decide whether we get blown up in a nuclear war-Secretary of Defense (William and Mary and Georgetown Ph.D), National Secutiry Advisor (Georgetown BSFS), and Vice President (Syracuse Law School). If there a Georgetown-Syracuse basketball game we all might die or hopefully Hillary (Secretary of State) could come through.</p>
<p>In this order:Harvard, Yale, Stanford, Georgetown, Princeton</p>
<p>For political networking is of uber importance these days where you go to college.</p>
<p>Hillary2012, look at the Presidents of this past generation…all had elite educations except for Reagan.</p>