Best schools for track?`

<p>Hey, I've narrowed down some really good schools for running--considering my brother is very interested. Does anyone have any more suggestions? He's currently looking into:
Stanford, William and Mary, UVA, Villanova, U of Arizona, U of Michigan, and Lehigh.</p>

<p>Arkansas supposedly has one of the top X-C teams...</p>

<p>You should add Penn State to the list. It's a big 10 school and the cross-country/track coach is excellent.</p>


<p>Tell me his events and times and I'll give you some suggestions. Also, his academic stats. Does he want D1 or D3?</p>

<p>What event? I know Stanford has a history of the top distance runners in the nation.</p>

<p>That's the point. Unless he is one of the top runners in the country, he won't be running for Stanford, Michigan, Villanova or Michigan. He might not want a school where he wouldn't even be able to walk-on or practice with the team. Of course, many of this year's top runners signed with Arkansas......
For DIII Williams is strong.</p>

<p>Exactly, unless he can run at LEAST a 4:15 mile, 15:00 5k, or 49 second quarter, he will not be taken seriously at any of the major programs in the nation.</p>

<p>Wisconsin--Big 10 track champs several years in row, Second nationally in NCAA CC championships this year--should have won it.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>all right, well he definently wants D1. Right now, his mile time is below 5, not sure exactly what though. He recently ran a 1:57 in the 800. Also, his academic stats are like...3.5 or 3.6 and he hasn't gotten scores for the SAT or ACT yet. But im predicting something equivalent to 1250-1300. something like that. also he doesn't want a school as big as penn state.</p>

<p>It would help to know the mile time. Does he run cross country as well? 1:57 isn't bad for 800 for a hs junior- there is potential for some D1 schools. Depending on the mile time, it could get some interest from Patriot League schools. The mile time would need to be closer to 4:30 (preferably under). Cross country around 16 or lower (for a junior). There is a huge range of D1 schools- there are some good academic schools with weak running programs who would welcome a 1:57 800 runner.</p>

<p>I would not be surprised to see a 1:57 allow him to walk on at UVA, I'm fairly familiar with the track program there.</p>

<p>He would probably be a lot more comfortable with a few seconds knocked off that however.</p>

<p>Top times in the Big 10 are around 1:50. I think a 1:55 in HS would be excellent and doable in another year.</p>

<p>D is looking for a smallish sch - - under 5,000, pref w/ warm weather (and I'm insisting on a min 3% black students)</p>

<p>hmm yeah--the problem with that is that he has to apply for colleges early. He won't be running track meets that will count until the spring. I suppose winter times...but then again, what about early decision schools? That particular school--wherever he decides--will be concentrating on junior year times. Anyway, I think you're overestimating the prestige of some of these running schools. I know kids that have ran worse times and walked on to places like stanford, william and mary, etc</p>

<p>There is still time this season- and summer all-comers meets. He just needs to make sure to check with the coaches at the different schools. See who is interested.</p>

<p>If you're also looking for strong academics and a college that will encourage both, look at Williams College.</p>

<p>My oldest son started out on the Cross-Country and Track teams during his freshman year at Stanford (not on scholarship, however). He was the state champion in the 1600 with a 4:24, 2nd place at state in the 800 with a 1:54, and one of the top runners on the cross-country team (he didn't place individually but the team placed 1st four years in a row). </p>

<p>He didn't continue with these sports (beyond the first few weeks) once he saw all the other activities he wanted to be involved in there. He was like a kid in a candy store with all the possibilities and realized he wanted to do more than devote his time to running. </p>

<p>I think the difference is whether or not your brother is hoping to be a scholarship athlete or is willing to just walk on.</p>

<p>Duke has increased its track profile in recent years. Also at lower Division 1 level Patriot League Schools-Colgate,Holy Cross,and Lafayette.</p>

<p>Although a 1:57 is excellent, noone would still pay ANY attention to him at schools like Wisconsin or Michigan....</p>

<p>maybe not--he's trying to push him time back a bit more.</p>