<p>What's the top school in the country for the media field?</p>
<p>look at Northwestern and Syracuse.</p>
<p>I agree with poi about Syracuse; they are an outstanding school for media.</p>
<p>Texas has an outstanding communications school, particularly in radio-television-film. The film scene in Austin is skyrocketing and UT Communications is reaping the benefits.</p>
<p>What sort of "media" do you desire to enter? Texas has Radio-Television-Film, Public Relations, and Journalism departments which are all outstanding.</p>
<p>Northwestern for overall program + prestige</p>
<p>this has been discussed several times in the forums; do a search for "journalism" to see some examples.</p>
<p>Bottom line, the school isn't going to deliver some magic than brings you success. What YOU do in school (internships, participation in school media, etc) will make the difference.</p>
<p>For journalism: Northwestern, Syracuse, Mizzou, UNC Chapel Hill...</p>
<p>For film: USC, Chapman, and one of the Florida schools (can't remember which)...</p>
<p>For an LAC-like environment that's solid in both: Emerson.</p>
<p>Don't forget Arizona State University (Walter Cronkite School of Journalism)</p>