Best UC for Internationals

<p>Does anybody know which UC school would accept the most internationals?</p>

<p>Oh, la, that's a tough one. Berkeley has an "international house" where a lot of internationals dorm; UCLA has their fair share of internationals, and UC Santa Cruz has always had the best exchange/student abroad program with College 10 as their international dorm headquarters.</p>

<p>Yikes. Being from Belfast (where I'd really love to visit!), you have so many options -- it really depents on what you're up to!</p>

<p>Thanks. Im really looking to go to college in Cali but 1 of the UCs. Would you think I have a chance if I have good stats etc?.. Do you know anything about getting recruited for soccer and soccer scholarships etc?</p>

<p>Do you really? lol... Suppose everyone likes Belfast because of its history lol</p>

<p>Go to the athletic web sites for the UC's you are interested in and contact the soccer coach via email. It helps if you have a resume you can send.</p>

<p>Division 1
California</a> Golden Bears - Official Athletic Site</p>

<p>UC Los Angeles
UCLA</a> Bruins Official Athletic Site</p>

<p>UC Davis
UC</a> DAVIS, The Official Athletic Site</p>

<p>UC Santa Barbara
UC</a> Santa Barbara Official Athletic Site</p>

<p>UC Irvine
Official</a> Athletic Site of UC Irvine</p>

UC San Diego—Official</a> Web Site of UC San Diego Athletics</p>

UC Santa Cruz</a> - Main Page</p>

<p>Collegemom....Thank alots appreciate it!</p>

<p>Good luck to you Gary!</p>

<p>Thanks again. Ive already e-mailed all of the coaches so hopefully they will e-mail me back sometime</p>

<p>In my opinion, you'd be happiest at Berkeley. Do as collegemom suggests.;)</p>

<p>You'll dig wherever you are. Yeah Northern Ireland. I lived in England during that period, learned a lot about minding left baggage in tube stations and being periodically locked out of HMV. It hasn't been easy for you or your family, I'm sure. Ireland, all of it, is a beautiful country.</p>

<p>More like from where you're from the further north you go in California, so if you are welcoming a change, go south; but it sure is prettier up north.</p>

<p>You DO know you will have to actually PAY for your education, right?!? And that you are not allowed to drink until age 21.</p>

<p>Yeah it hasn't been easy for most people but i've probably had the easiest time of all of the generations as there is no more fighting really going on though you do have the occasional 1s that you see on the news. The most I would get would be getting sectarian abuse and that rarely happens but my mum and dad and grandparents...they were the times which people really remember Northern Ireland about.</p>

<p>Yeah Yeah i'm not that alien to America LOL. Thats why im hoping for a soccer scholarship because that could really benefit me as I'm very good. </p>

<p>Thats where im hoping to go anyway, the south. I was there 3 years back in San Diego and Claremont with my soccer team and we played in a few tournaments and i've fallen in love with the place ever since lol</p>

<p>Good luck with your plans. My daughter is getting a soccer scholoarship at a UC. A couple of things to consider...</p>

<p>UC San Diego, as far as I know, does not give athletic scholarships. UC Santa Barbara has an excellent men's soccer team and gives some full rides, which is not usual in Soccer. Davis just made the transition from Division 2 to Division 1 and is not quite as competive, at least, not yet. UC Santa Cruz is Division 3 and therefore is not allowed to give any athletic scholarships. I don't know much about Berkeley and UCLA, so I can't help you there, except to say that both are generally very competitive and very good in most all sports.</p>

<p>Hope this is helpful.</p>

<p>Thanks alot!</p>

<p>So, does that mean as Davis just went into Div I that I would have a good possible chance of trying to get a soccer scholarship there?</p>

<p>UC Davis made it into the first round of the NCAA playoffs losing to Cal in overtime during their first year in Division I.</p>

<p>Davis is new to Division 1 and may be a very good opportunity. That is the school where my daughter will likely be playing soccer come '09. I don't know how familiar you are with California, but Davis is in Northern California, aboout 20 or 30 miles from Sacramento and about 60 miles from San Francisco and Berkeley. It is a wonderful place, but not near the beach and wicked hot in the summer. </p>

<p>You should definitely check it out, but if you are a very good player, and prefer Southern California, you should take a good look at UC Santa Barbara. It is right at the beach, very beautiful, and a great soccer team. They don't have football there, which is somewhat unusual for a D-1 school.</p>

<p>Yeah UCSB is the school ive been interested in the most. The only thing that is holding me back is that it seems very expensive to go there if there is no fin-aid given. UCSB is my top choice but I still have another 2 years before I will actually apply but ive been told if your an international student you should start to plan as early as possible due to getting visa's etc.</p>

<p>How is UC Santa Barbara for accepting international students anyway, do they accepta fair amount or hardly any? Anybody know?</p>

<p>BTW Thanks to everyone whos been helping me out in this thread!</p>

<p>I really don't know anything about the international students. I would guess that they are mostly going to UCLA and Berkeley, because those two are so much more well-known. As far as the costs, I think all the UC's cost almost exactly the same.</p>

<p>I would start by getting in contact with the coaches. If they are interested in you, they will help a lot with information about the school and get you connected with people in admssions and financial aid, and whatever you need. </p>

<p>I wish you the best of luck.</p>

<p>UC financial aid is not great, even for in-state residents. Thus, unless you are recruited and obtain an athlectic scholarship, you will be expected to pay $40k+ per year. Also, note that typically the only full ride athletic scholarships are in football and basketball, due to NCAA scholarship limitations. For example, the UCLA soccer coach used to split his scholarships evenly amoung all of his team, each earning a half-scholarship. Not sure if UCLA still practices that policy, but you get the idea. </p>

<p>Good luck.</p>

<p>I just got an e-mail back from the soccer coach Dwayne Shaffer at Davis today and he seemed really interested. He was talking about the cost etc for international students and he said he would offer $25,000-30,000 to a great player. So this has gave me a real confidence boost so hopefully I can keep his interest and go there.</p>

<p>Thanks everyone who helped me in this forum!!</p>

<p>That is great news and I hope it pans out for you. The UCD men's soccer team is very good, and Davis is a great school. Maybe you will meet my daughter, going in '09 as a soccer player as well.</p>

<p>That is great news Gary! I hope you continue to do well and reach your goals. :) You might meet my two kids in the classes of '10 and '12 at UCD as well.</p>