Best Vocab List?? Help Please

<p>Im taking the December SAT and vocab kills me.
Does someone have a list of common SAT words?</p>

<p>The best vocab list recommended is the DH book with Rocket review following. There is a list somewhere on the board with the hit ratio of the prep book’s vocab list to the real SATs.</p>

<p>Is this book free?</p>

<p>How many words are in RR’s vocab list?</p>

<p>No you need to buy the book. But it is well worth it…The RR list has 300 words about. I’m not sure though.</p>

<p>DH has 365 words.
190 in volume 1
176 in volume 2</p>

<p>are the kaplan words good enough?</p>

<p>^ No, most of Kaplan’s words do not share the same hit ratio as DH. I wouldn’t trust it.</p>

<p>Kaplan’s word list just isn’t “SATish”. Like, the words don’t have that SAT flavor. It’s hard to describe, but just know they’re not that helpful.</p>

<p>Kaplan’s word lists may be helpful in writing or reading in general. However, many words in these lists hardly ever appear on the SAT.</p>

<p>Put simply, most of them are recycled words that people never even check to match the SAT words anyways. To compensate for this, Kaplan seems to jam as many words as possible down their throats to cover a range of words and claim that it’s actually a “real list”. </p>

<p>Hell, I could slap a price tag on a dictionary and call it the “Ultimate SAT Word List”.</p>

<p>Word Smart! Great hit list.</p>

<p>To be exact, Princeton Review - Word Smart’s Hit Parade.</p>