Best way/site to improve ACT essay???

<p>My DD will take the ACT again next month at her HS. She got a 34 composite when she took it in December but her essay only got an 8!!! In reading here I see that most say you need to defend both sides of the arguement. She says she did not do this as they are taught in school to take a stance and stick to it. So, I am wondering what is the best way or site she can go to to improve her essay score? Is there an online site you can submit an essay and it will be scored??</p>

<p>lol i would wanna know more about that too</p>

<p>Write stupid and write a lot,
Add a little counter argument, but defend your side greatly
I write an essay full of complete BS and still ended up with a 10</p>

<p>I got a 34 composite, and a 6 essay. I would be content with an 8.
Apparently, you’re not supposed to write a page-and-a-half essay with no counter argument.</p>

<p>i just recently got a 30 composite and an 11 on my essay, all because of some simple stuff my tutor taught me.</p>

<p>1) in your intro make it clear which side you are defending and site an example or give a short story.
2) try to make it a 5 paragraph essay
3) your last body paragraph should be the other side of the topic. for instance, i wrote my essay on greed, so the first two paragraphs were greed being bad, and the last was how greed can be good
4) make your conclusion as concise as possible and wrap everything up in another example or short story</p>

<p>Ignore everything except what MOose said.</p>

<p>WRITE ALOT. Thats it. I went from a 7 to a 10.</p>

<p>I wrote 3 paragraphs and basically just said the same thing over again. Then wrote a BS counter.</p>