<p>What are some of the best and/or worst mealplans you've had or heard of? I know most places have x number of meals and y number of dollars to spend, and meal plans range from high x/low y to high y/low x. I haven't been to that many colleges but out of them...</p>
<p>Best: Univ. of the South- Seven meals a day in the cafeteria plus something like $150 to use in the campus store. Awesome. </p>
<p>Worst: Birmingham Southern- You don't get a meal plan, you get campus dollars (straight up, one dollar equals one dollar) and you basically buy food like at a restaurant. A lot of the food you pay for by ounce, which really weirded me out...</p>
<p>Seven meals a day, holy toledo!!! I know the new trend/recommendation is to eat 5-7 smaller meals instead of 3 large meals, but no college students I know of have that kind of time and the dining centers aren't open all day long. The c-stores are, but not the cafeteria areas.</p>
<p>Whoever actually ends up using 7 meals a day (or anything above 2 for that matter) is going to gain weight like no other. How can you people stand eating in the same place that many times a day? I go to a school with one of the top (in the top5) cafeteria's in the country and it's still gross after the first week of school.</p>