Best wue schools

Unfortunately Colorado Mesa doesn’t extend the WUE Scholarship Junior year once the CU Boulder professors take over in Engineering. Otherwise I like the school.

@just you might want to create your own thread because premed issues are different. Include stats and budget.

@mauimama Fort Lewis sounds good. Total annual WUE costs would be about $30k per year plus HI to mainland travel (probably at least another $3-4k) plus the cost of winter sports.

I didn’t see any mention of your budget, so can we assume that you’re prepared to spend about $35k per year?

I am a fan of CSU in Fort Collins, especially for engineering. One of my D11’s best friends just graduated from Fort Lewis, but in theater and psychology. She loved it, but I don’t know anything about engineering there. Regarding diversity, I know there is a very high % of Native American students and they also seem to have a lot of Japanese students.

OP-When I tried to explore the option of transfer from a CC, I noticed it isn’t very efficient for an engineering major trying to graduate in 4 years. The programs tend to begin the ME classes right away, and the CCs don’t always offer them. At least, the ones I looked at do not. Then, you need the first one for a prereq. for the next, etc.

I think WUE can be a deal for families that are full pay. It ends up being less expensive than many of the instate publics for the right stats.

University of Wyoming, University of Colorado at Colorado Springs, Boise State and University of Nevada at Reno all have solid ME programs for a great price. Check the website and see what you’d pay for your son’s stats. I had my own son apply to these after a lot of research. He is also ME for 2018. I tried to talk him into Hawaii, but no mountain biking, so it was a no. Also, Fort Lewis in Durango has general engineering and Northern Arizona University has ME, but those 2 I am not too sure about.

Whoa, wait. Western Washington doesn’t offer ME, just other types. Also, Oregon State does NOT offer WUE. The other one (Oregon Tech.) I heard you should check it out first.

Also, I have been down this road. I decided against Colorado Mesa for the same reason you did. My son applied and has been accepted into Fort Lewis. I know he’d love it, being a mountain biker. But, I am apprehensive about the employability as compared to an ME from Cal Poly Pomona, for example. So many trade offs inherent in this process!

OP would get 10K per year in automatic merit from Ft. Lewis, maybe more for participating in the finish in four program if it is still going and don’t forget to apply for the Foundation and Departmental scholarships (We missed out on those the first year because we didn’t know about them. They require a separate application.)—fall-2018-spring-2019

Themathaw. I agree about the trade offs. Is your son attending now or in the fall? I had an email conversations with an admissions counselor who recently graduate from Fort Lewis. She said that all her engineering friends got jobs and are doing well. One friend is working in engineering in Fort Lewis making $80K right out of school. That was encouraging.

My son will attend somewhere in the Fall. There is a dad on here who has a son currently attending Fort Lewis. NorCalrent. If you read his comments they may be helpful. He also has another that is graduating Chico State. Thanks for the info about Fort Lewis! Keep us updated.

feel free to PM me if you have any questions about Chico or Fort Lewis