<p>.......welll maybe you have :) :) :)</p>
<p>I am a white lower middle class female from the central east coast. (I don't want to state the exact location.) Not an underrepresented state so that need not matter. I go to a respectable local public school that isn't really competitive. (In the college sence.) However, I know of one student who got into Yale, one who got into Stanford, and one this year will be going to Columbia. NOTE: I will be in only the 10th graduating class so the school is still relatively young. </p>
<p>Info about school...
Predominantly black...the only time in my life I will be a minority
average SAT score in 950 (old sat)
most graduates (60%) go to local CC college
only 30% go to 2-4 year institutions</p>
<p>Info about me.....
1850 (SAT)...will be retaking in June
29 (ACT MOCK)...will be taking in June
Don't have any SATII's
Will have 10 AP's by graduation
(u.s. Hist., Lang., lit., world hist., chem., bio., stats., latin lit., euro., and phyc.)
I am taking the hardest coureload of any student in my school, so that is why I don't have a stellar uw GPA.</p>
Piano (3rd year)
Latin club (member)</p>
Piano (4th year)
Latin club (president)
NOS (member) NOTE: you aren't supposed to join until Junior year</p>
Piano (5th year)
Latin club (president)
NOS (member)
NHS (member)
Academic club (member)
Teen court (county organization)</p>
Piano (6th year)
Latin Club (president)
NOS (vice-president)
NHS (treasurer)
Academic club (member)
Teen court (respected postion)
Varsity tennis</p>
<p>I have accumulated about 200 hours of Community service. 100 from an organization I was involved in that helps underprivilaged children in New York.
The rest was accumulated through volunteering at two summer day camps for children.</p>
I won two scholarship together worth about $5000, and a National CS award. Plus several school awards...honor roll, student of the quarter, etc.</p>
<p>Well I am looking at Georgetown, U of Maryland, William and Mary, Bryn Mawr, U of Penn., Smith, Bucknell, and Dickinson.</p>
<p>Any advice on my chances at these schools would be greatly appreciated. Thanks</p>