Better Accounting program: UCSB or CSUF

Got into both schools and need to make a decision soon. Which school has a better accounting program?

@sandroxc UCSB’s accounting program is one of the top in the country. Have you visited both campuses? Did you prefer one over the other? CSUF also has a good program, although it tends to be a commuter campus, where UCSB is situated in a college town and would give you more of a true college experience (I’m not sure if that matters to you). I’d make sure to spend time on both campuses and choose the campus that feels like a better fit.

@BayAreaRecruiter My son got into UCSB undeclared and he is thinking of Econ major. Since you are a recruiter, I would like to ask you whether this would be a good field from job opportunity standpoint what type of job he can apply for as Econ grad. Would Econ with Psychology minor be good for marketing jobs? Other than CS and engineering which my son is not interested, what majors offer the best job opportunities from your experience as a recruiter? I have been really enjoying your inputs because you have insights others do not and I thank you for your contributions on CC. BTW, I agree with you on the UCSB accounting program. I found UCSB Econ program to rank #12 in the nation far higher than UCB#30 and UCLA#24. Here is the link:
Also #8 in the nation in CS program, higher than UCB#12.

@parentworry I would not trust any list that puts UCBs CS program lower than UCSBs. UCB is top 5 in the nation

Edit: Not trying to discredit UCSB though it is a great school but to say their CS program is better than UCB’s is a reach

@Twenmi UCB is an excellent school - overall. (I am a UCB graduate myself.) However, it does not mean UCB is good in everything including CS. Each school has its own unique strengths and weaknesses. UCSB may be lower tier school than UCB - overall - but it has a strong program in CS as well as Econ major as I cited. The ranking cited is for 2018 and quite credible as far as I can read. It goes into detail how it ranks the schools. It is not a hoax that someone pulled out of the air. If you have better ranking statistics for 2018 to dispute this show me the link so I can compare how they differ. Depending on how ranking is established, the ranking may be different but I need to see to be able to judge which is more credible from my standpoint. Just claiming that UCB is top 5 in the nation is just not good enough. It is pretty common that people judge a school by the name only instead of specific field of study. This is a big mistake and I am also guilty of that too. Things change very fast these days and you have to be on top of how they change to really be able to judge a school for a specific field of study. Another thing to note is the fact that UCSB now ranks above UCSD as well - again overall - according to US new world report. It’s been this way for the last few years. At this rate, I expect UCSB to come closer to UCLA or even surpass pretty soon. Again this does not mean that UCSB will be good in everything. Other UC’s will always have stronger aspects than UCB, UCLA, UCSB etc…


Like I said I am not trying to discredit UCSB, UCSB is a very good school, but it is known that UCB is among the top in the nation in CS. I do not know how it fares in other aspects, I was specifically talking about CS. <= Very Reputable <=Very Repuable, although it is graduate

@sandroxc : If you are interest in an accounting program and perhaps a CPA license, you should attend a school that is highly targeted by the Big 4 Accounting Firms to increase your chance of working in a Big 4 firm. In the West Coast, these highly targeted schools are: UC Berkeley (Haas and some econ), USC (Marshall and Leventhal), UCLA (bus. econ.), Univ. of Washington (Foster) and UCSB (econ. accounting). This is not to say that the Big 4 do not recruit at other colleges, but there are more hires from the aforementioned colleges in the West Coast Big 4 offices than from the other schools. The Big 4 also bring in new hires to West Coast offices from top business schools around the country such as Univ. of Michigan, Cornell, Notre Dame, etc.

@Twenmi Thanks for the rankings link. I checked out those sites. Those sites rank the colleges based totally on faculty research activities such as papers published by faculty members for the last 10 years. These do not reflect under grad student college experience and post grad job success at all which the other ranking I sited puts heavy emphasis on. That is why there is such a huge difference. If you are interested in becoming a faculty member or research scientist instead of getting a job and pursue a non-academic career, these rankings are relevant for you to seriously consider. However, if you are interested in pursuing a non-academic, secular career after graduation which most people care about the most, it would be more relevant to consider the rankings I sited. Also, one thing to point out is the fact that UCSB boosted strength in their faculty only recent years from what I hear. So their research activities likely have not been as strong as colleges like UCB. So, cumulative number of research papers published for the last 10 years does not necessarily reflect their current faculty research activities.

@parentworry If are talking about non-academic careers Berkeley still has the highest number of graduates being employed by the “Tech Top 5” (Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook, Microsoft) out of the rest of the UC’s. UCB @ 1500+ while other UCS except UCLA < 800 according to LinkedIn

@Twenmi Linkedin members do not represent the whole population of emplyoees working for those Tech companies. Linkedin statistics is limited to only Linkedin members. You cannot judge based on Linkedin statistics. As an example, of the Google employees, 15% are hired from SJSU which is local college. That is a large percentage. I bet UCB does not beat that. Rankings that I cited was based on real data collected from large population of students. Your Linkedin number cannot possibly represent the whole population of students.

@parentworry Considering LinkedIn is an integral part of the CS recruiting and hiring process I’d be hard pressed to believe that a majority of Big 5 employees do not have an account. However that is fine, I will let you live with the delusion that UCB does not have the top CS program in the UC system.

"LinkedIn recently ranked the best colleges to attend if you want a job as a software developer. To create the list, LinkedIn identified the most desirable companies for developers — Google, Apple, and Oracle, for example — that both attracted and retained employees. They then analyzed which colleges had the greatest percentage of recent grads working as developers at those companies.

… (5) UCB"

UCB sends THE most undergrads to the Silicon Valley.


@Twenmi Speaking of “delusion”, everyone seems to live in his/her own delusion and you are no exception and you are entitled to you own delusion.