Better to start early then to be late.

<p>Guys out here need some suggestion :</p>

<p>I from Nepal ( Country of tallest Mountain < Mt. Everest>). I tried to apply for some of the best universities of US but none of them accepted because of my average school and high school marks , so i joined engineering college in Nepal but my college is not so popular like IITs from India and teachers are also not so popular. I have so much passion for electrical engineering but out here in my country doing engineering is just doing job 9-10 which i feel too much boring , I prefer doing Research works.
So here is my question to secure place for Masters and Phd in best universities like MIT , Harvard , caltech and other . So what should i do During my 4 yr of engineering ? and what should i do after completing my engineering in Nepal ? What are the test i have to take ?</p>

<p>*Should i be involve in different competition ?
*Should i be in different research activity ?
*Should i be involved in Social work activities ?
*Should i be learning other extra curricula activities ?
* should i complete Master's degree from India or China then apply for next Master and Phd ?</p>

<p>its about my future so please give me full information .</p>

<p>For the majority of engineers in the US, doing electrical engineering is also a 9-5 job.</p>

<p>Anyway, to increase your competitiveness for US research programs in engineering, you need research experience, high grades, good test scores, excellent letters of recommendation from your professors and a compelling focus in a specific area of research that you can articulate and that you would like to work on for 5-7 years. Social activities and other extra-curriculars do not matter. There’s no reason to get an overseas master’s first before earning another US master’s and a PhD, although you can get a Chinese master’s and then an American PhD if you wish.</p>