Better to take SAT Subject Tests in May/June if taking AP?

<p>Hi. Does anyone have any recommendations if I should take the SAT Subject Tests in May or June if I'm taking the AP exams for the same subject in May? For example, I'm taking AP US History and AP Biology in May, so should I take the Subject Test for Bio and US History in May or June? Or register for both dates? Or one for each date? I also have to retake Math, but maybe I should do that later or at least in June...
Links to previous threads would help too...I've tried searching but I just can't seem to find a thread (or maybe my searching skills suck). Sorry if that's the case and thanks in advance.</p>

<p>i took subjects in may, reasoning in june.</p>

<p>it makes sense since i would be studying for those subjects for the AP exams anyway, so the subject tests were kind of just like test prep (except more important…)</p>

<p>then you have a whole month to study for the reasoning</p>

<p>i don’t think i could have dealt with subject tests in june, i distanced myself from schoolwork after the AP exams haha.</p>

<p>I took subjects in May. I reasoned that I can study for both tests at the same time, and I didn’t think I would have the energy to study the same subjects after taking the AP exams. Taking subjects in May worked out nicely.</p>

<p>My daughter was in the same situation. She took US history, biology subject tests in May, did no extra prep other than starting her AP study sooner than she would have otherwise, and she did well on both. Prepping for subject tests after finals is no fun at all.</p>

<p>Wow! Thanks guys. I guess I’ll take it in May then. Do most people prep for SAT Subjects separately too or just wing it with AP knowledge? I want a 750+ preferably, so (I really don’t want to retake)…but if I’m aiming for a 4 or 5 on AP, should I be good?</p>

<p>Oh, and if I have to retake SAT Subject in Math, I should do that in June, right?</p>

<p>Is it bad if I’m just lazy and take SAT Subjects in my APs? I mean, I don’t plan on majoring in either history or bio or any of the available SAT Subjects for that matter, so is it really terrible if I just take SAT Subjects in my APs? </p>

<p>Thanks again so much to everyone. <3</p>

<p>I’m going to take the subject test in math, chem and history in june. The tests are quite different from the APs (easier, but also different) so I don’t want to cram everything in the first two weeks of may. </p>

<p>Also in my school, we have finals in the last two weeks of may. So the material will stay fresh in my mind. Taking the SAT IIs in early june makes the most sense for me.</p>

<p>^They are 20x easier and really not all that different besides the level of difficulty.</p>