Better to Withdraw or get a D or F in the class?

<p>Hello There,</p>

<p>I am wondering what I should do. I am worried about getting a D or an F in the class? What should I do? Should i withdraw with a W? Would that be better?</p>

<p>I don’t want to get rescinded from UCD.
Please help!</p>

<p>This sounds like a difficult situation in which only you can determine the best action to take. In regards to your admissions, either option means not completing the course with a passing grade which you stated on your application you would complete. Since you were admitted based on the application information, changing this information could possibly affect your admissions status. Please report the decision you make through the MyAdmissions site if you withdraw, or final grade (if lower than a ‘C’ grade), so that we may review this situation and return with an official answer.</p>