Between UB and Geneseo

<p>I was accepted to Stony Brook, UB, and Geneseo- with pretty good merit scholarships from UB and Stony Brook, but no money from Geneseo. I've pretty much ruled out Stony Brook because I don't really like the feel of it. I visited both UB and Geneseo, and am somewhat on the fence. I'd be a biochemistry major at either of the schools, definitely planning on going somewhere for grad school, but I don't plan on going for pre-med.</p>

<p>At Buffalo, I didn't really like the huge campus, but the facilities were clearly well funded and basically the entire south campus is devoted to biological sciences. They also made it clear that they have lots of connections to research opportunities. It seemed the opposite to me at Geneseo- I really loved the feel of the campus and I've heard great things about the academics, but I didn't get a good look at the facilities, and from what I've read, the school itself does not have very much money. It really could go either way for me.</p>

<p>Does anyone have any comments that would sway my opinion to a specific school? The May 1st deadline is coming up soon and I really don't know which school I like better.</p>

<p>I have been taking a look at the both of them as well and it seems like Geneseo is the better school on paper but I’m afraid that because of its relatively small size it won’t have as many research options as UB would.</p>

<p>Geneseo is NOT a science school. I am currently a sophomore at Geneseo, and I don’t like it at all. I mean the dorms and stuff are nice, but UB has a much better faculty (including Nobel Prize Laureates, Pulitzer Prize, etc) while Geneseo does not. In addition, UB has a much more distinguished alumni connection while Geneseo does not. Overall, UB is a better school, especially in the sciences. Go to Geneseo if you want to become a teacher or go to grad school. Good luck!!</p>

<p>I actually made a username just because I was looking here for some other info and happened upon rawrcookie92 (based on the 92 probably a freshman here now) completely misleading people.</p>

<p>Geneseo isn’t in the same stratosphere as UB. It’s much, much better. Here’s the breakdown of the SUNY system:</p>

<p>Binghamton and Geneseo at the top. If you want a big school go to Bing, if you want a small school go to Geneseo. The student body is almost identical in terms of intelligence and every measurable stat, although Geneseo is slightly more selective and slightly higher numerically.</p>

<p>Next comes Stony Brook. The caveat here is it’s big on the sciences, not so much anything else. It’s also a commuter school, mainly draws from LI.</p>

<p>UB comes in at right after. Facts are facts, it’s not as competitive a school.</p>

<p>A staggering amount of undergrads here are biology and science majors. Also, there may be many more graduates from UB than Geneseo. BUT when you run into a graduate from Geneseo they are incredibly receptive. I’ve already gotten offers for jobs based on merely going to Geneseo. In terms of research opportunities, there are more opportunities at UB, no doubt. But there iis a fraction of the competition for those opportunities, and the accessibility of professors is something that is way different at Geneseo. Also, the support system among students here is phenomenal</p>

<p>yahweh: fail</p>