BFA Acting programs w/Screen acting emphasis?

New mom here…I am slowly making my way through these forums (I am SO glad I found this!) My son is a HS Junior wanting to apply for BFA in Acting programs. He is interested in finding programs that have an emphasis (or at least multiple classes) for screen acting (vs. only theatre acting) and I wondered if anyone has seen a list or is aware of such programs. The ones I know of (I think) are:

-LIU Brooklyn
-Cal Arts (3rd and 4th year)

Thank you SO much! This is all new to me (and I am seeing it is also much more complicated than I realized!) :slight_smile:

Looks like Rider has one

Most programs do have some courses, my son is at UNCSA and they have two weekends a year where they have intensive classes in acting for the screen.


Stonestreet Studios, one of the advanced acting studios at NYU, offers on-camera classes.

The main two he should be looking at are the FTVC programs at Pace and the screen acting program at Chapman. These are the only real acting for camera BFA’s in America. Other than that I know USC has stuff on it as well as NYU, but know that if he chooses NYU the screen acting is only possible as a junior and senior at the school. Other than that there isn’t much as it’s relatively a new form of art to be learning.

I heard something about the new faculty at Rutgers having revamped the program to start including on-camera work beginning first semester of freshman year like some of the top UK schools have been doing for years.

That’s true. There is an on camera component throughout now.